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The Special Political and Decolonization Committee

The Fourth Committee of the UN General Assembly was designed to tackle problems deemed to be outside the mandate of any other committee, namely: decolonization-related agenda items, the effects of atomic radiation, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), and International cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space. Its member-nations are dedicated to promoting peace and liberation from exploitative practices that operate across borders. A modern world requires creative solutions; delegates will chart new frameworks for mankind's progress into the stars, as well as protect peacemaking and equality among all nations on Earth.

Dylan Davis

Dylan Davis is so excited to chair the SPECPOL General Assembly for ALMUN XIV!

MacKenzie Harless

MacKenzie is a freshman majoring in Political Science with a minor in the Blount Scholars Program. She is from Mandeville, Louisiana, and was a House Floor Leader at Louisiana’s Youth Legislative Conference in 2020. She participated in MUN during high school as a delegate, but this is her first year as a part of ALMUN. In her free time, you can find her playing Animal Crossing or winning Mario Kart. MacKenzie is very excited to have the opportunity to begin her experience with ALMUN and cannot wait for February!

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