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The Fifth Pan-African National Congress, 1945

This committee will be set during the 5th Pan African National Congress of 1945. The Second World has ended in Allied Victory, yet victory has come at a great price. The powers of Europe have exhausted all of their resources during the war efforts and can no longer afford to maintain their vast Empires. Decolonization has become inevitable. The committee will encompass leaders of Colonial Africa, the Caribbean, and the United States to discuss the nature of decolonization and its economic and social legacies. Some things discussed were discrimination by white settlers, unequal land ownership and job opportunities, as well as the proper means to decolonize from Europe. Notable committee members include leaders like W.E.B Du Bois, African Independence leaders, and future heads of states of Africa.

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Griffin Specker

Griffin is a Senior from Cumming, Georgia, majoring in History with a Concentration in Legal History, with minors in Business and Public Policy Studies. He was the previous USG of Crisis for the first AIRMUNC. He has been competing for the MUN Travel Team since his sophomore year. Outside of MUN, Griffin is a brother of the co-ed business fraternity Alpha Kappa Psi and a Research Specialist for the Intercultural Diversity Center. During his free time, Griffin enjoys biking in the woods, reading the A Song of Ice and Fire series, and grabbing food with friends. He is very passionate about AIRMUNC and hopes to provide delegates an engaging, competitive, and relaxed conference. ​

Helen Fleming

Helen is a sophomore from Rhinebeck, New York, majoring in Environmental Science with a concentration in Natural Resource and Ecosystem Conservation. She served as Assistant USG of Substantive at AIRMUNC I, USG of Substantive at AIRMUNC II, and is delighted to take on the role of Secretary-General for AIRMUNC III. In her free time, Helen likes listening to podcasts, taking care of her houseplants, and going down wiki rabbit holes about urban planning. She also daydreams about one day owning a fifty-gallon saltwater aquarium, and is delighted and grateful to be joining the ALMUN XIV team!

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