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The Arctic Council

Established in 1996, the Arctic Council is a vital body for facilitating cooperation, research, and discussion between Arctic states. By connecting its member nations and observers to scientific experts and representatives of indigenous groups, the Council enables and promotes sustainable, equitable decision-making in the Arctic. Since its inception, the Arctic Council has released countless reports and studies, along with facilitating the negotiation of several treaties. As the modern world changes both the diplomatic conditions and physical realities of the Arctic, the Arctic Council is becoming more important than ever in maintaining peace and cooperation in the North. Melting sea ice around the North Pole opens new opportunities for exploitation and transportation, but also brings diplomatic challenges as nations struggle over the transforming region’s just administration.

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Martin Adams

Martin Adams is a junior from Fredericksburg, Virginia. He is majoring in Mathematics and Economics, with a minor in American Studies. In his free time, he’s often (always) listening to music, or tending his garden over the summer. He has previously staffed both ALMUN and AIRMUNC, in addition to traveling as a delegate and serving as the International Relations Club’s vice president. At ALMUN XIV, he held the position of co-chair for the International Court of Justice committee. He is looking forward to another conference this year, and to working with delegates towards putting on a fantastic committee. Roll Tide!

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