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War Never Changes: Fallout New Orleans


War. War never changes. 

Since the dawn of humankind, when our ancestors first discovered the killing power of rock and bone, blood has been spilled in the name of everything: from God to justice to simple, psychotic rage. But no weapon had ever been developed that could destroy all of humanity. Not until the atom bomb.

 After millennia of armed conflict between various peoples, the nations of America and China started the Great War in 2077, and man destroyed themselves with their own imagination, plunging the world into a chasm of pain and suffering, a nuclear wasteland the world over. Yet this was not the end, but merely another chapter in human history. Man had destroyed the world, but war, war never changes. 

In the aftermath of the Great War, the Gulf Commonwealth was uniquely affected by the irradiation of the wasteland. New Orleans and Louisiana, the hotbed of culture in the Pre-War Gulf Commonwealth, was broken. Yet from its ashes emerged survivors, eager to make a name for themselves; for good, and for bad. In this committee, delegates will take on the role of various wastelanders, tasked by a mysterious figure with rebuilding The Big Easy and the irradiated ruins of what was once Louisiana. Will the wastelanders be able to create a utopia in the wastes, or will they resort back to the base human instincts of savagery and violence? Only they can decide for themselves.


Crisis Director 
Daniel Cooper

Daniel Cooper is a member of the class of 2024 from St. Johns, Florida, majoring in German and History with a minor in French, with focuses on Prussian and French militarism in the 19th century. Daniel is also a student in AMP whose planned master’s thesis will be focused upon Prussian military arms manufacturing during this century. In his spare time, Daniel enjoys reading history books, talking at length about Napoleon, playing Smash Ultimate or Jackbox with his friends, and traveling throughout the world. Daniel is very excited to share his love of the Fallout franchise and the city of New Orleans through this unique committee, and is even more excited to see how delegates manage the desolate wasteland that almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

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