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His Majesty's Privy Council: Colonial America 

Assistant Crisis Director
Zeke Stockton

 Zeke Stockon is so excited to be the assistant crisis director for the Privy Council crisis committee!

Joe Gerard

Joe is a junior majoring in psychology and minoring in neurology and the Blount Scholars Program. After having done a Crisis Committee for the first time in 10th grade, he stayed in Crisis Committees the rest of his MUN experience for high school and UA. Outside of MUN, Joe helps produce a political-culture mashup podcast called PopPartisan and perform undergraduate research. Joe enjoys random paradoxes, psychedelic psychology, and his two destructive cats he takes care of. He looks forward to getting to have crises in crisis committee!

Spencer Henson

Spencer Henson is from Birmingham, Alabama. He is currently in his third year at The University of Alabama, where he is majoring in political science and double minoring in communication studies and public policy studies. Spencer also has a concentration in pre-law because he plans on attending law school after he obtains his bachelor's degree at UA and become a constitutional lawyer.

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