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During ALMUN XI, Press Corps delegates have submitted these following articles representing their news agencies:

Le Monde


The United Kingdom, the United States, and the Russian Federation work to extend refugee rights to climate change migrants

Russia accused of human atrocities but detracts allegations by pushing for a federal solution in Yemen

Maternal Mortality: How much longer until mothers can stop worrying about giving birth to a motherless child?

Deutsche Welle

UNCHR: Stop the Refugees From Becoming Refugees

SOCHUM Amends Working Papers

What is a Mass Atrocity? The Security Council Defines

Xinhua News Agency

EU: The Immigration Situation in Europe

UNSC: Restructuring and Reforming the Security Council 

SOCHUM: Tackling the Mismanagement of Humanitarian Aid Funding 

Athens-Macedonian News Agency

EU Combats Extremism and Xenophobia Through Immigration and Refugee Regulation

SOCHUM Debates Effective Humanitarian Aid Funding and Mismanagement

BBC News

Countries Share Ideas to End Yemen Conflict

New York Times

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Debate the Effects of Natural Disasters, Solutions, and Infrastructure

European Union Discuss the Tragic Events at the German Refugee Camp

The World Health Organization Discusses Maternal Health Care and Abortion Rights

Press Release from European Union

Far Right Neo-Nazi Group Bombs Germany’s Largest Refugee Camp?

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