Amica Rapadas,

Volunteer Coordinator

Whitney Cravens is a junior hailing from the great Midwestern state of Missouri pursuing a dual degree in political science and economics. Outside of her involvement in AIRC, Whitney is in Culverhouse's Business Honors Program where she is working with local non-profits to create the first ever analysis of the socio-economic impact of non-profits in West Alabama. Additionally, she is on the Greek Programming Board, dabbles in Student Government, and interned in Washington, D.C. at USAID this past summer after an adventure filled semester studying abroad in Rome, Italy. When she isn't hanging in her eno, jamming to Mumford & Sons, or chasing sunsets across Tuscaloosa, she is stressing over the state of the world, reflecting on how great the 1980's were, or more than likely watching Harry Potter. Whitney is more than thrilled to be Secretary-General of ALMUN this year and can't wait to get her own gavel with her name on it in February (and bang it to intimidate people). Andiamo!


Whitney Cravens, Secretary-General

C Tara Lombardi is a junior at the University of Alabama studying International Relations with a focus on the Middle East and French. She has been a member of the Alabama International Relations Club and the French Club for two years. Her interests include international law and its impact in the Middle East, long walks on the beach, and puppies. She will have no life in a matter of months as she will be studying for the LSAT and applying for law school.

                               C Tara Lombardi,

Deputy Under-Secretary-General of Crisis Committees

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                          Jake Miller,

Under-Secretary-General of Finance

                               Maria Huryn,

Under-Secretary-General of Communications

                         Sarah Forland,

Under-Secretary-General of Crisis Committees

Amica Rapadas is a sophomore from Birmingham, AL majoring in International Studies and Economics and minoring in Chinese and Computer Based Honors Program. She has been a part of Alabama International Relations Club a year and is involved in the Black Belt Development Initiative. She is also an intern in the Education Abroad office and an ESL tutor for local schools. In her free time, you can find her at local food festivals or playing escape games. ​

Maria Huryn is a sophomore studying International Relations and Economics with minors in Russian and Spanish. At UA, she is involved with the Alabama International Relations Club (through which she competes in her own collegiate Model United Nations conferences), Estudiantes Sin Fronteras, and the Russia and Eastern Europe Club. She is looking forward to a career in international relations, either with the US State Department or in international business. When she's not in class or studying, she can be found enjoying a tennis match, becoming obnoxiously competitive with a board game, or obsessively re-watching her favorite TV show, Game of Thrones.

Alison Gentry is from Huntley, Illinois double majoring in International Relations and Economics along with pursuing a minor in Spanish. On campus she is involved in the International Relations Club and is excited to be serving as the Under-Secretary-General of Operations for ALMUN IX. She is also a member of the Executive Staff for the Serbia Fellowship experience which aims to build bridges between American youth and Balkan youth.  In addition, she is a research assistant for multiple departments here at the University. Off campus she volunteers her time with special-needs children both in Alabama and Illinois. It is her dream to pursue law school focusing on International Law and Global Health issues. ​

Growing up near the sugar beaches of Gulf Shores, Alabama, Sarah Forland is a third-year student at the University of Alabama. Sarah is a third-year student double majoring with International Relations and an Interdisciplinary Studies major, created through UA’s New College, while also minoring in French. Convinced the real method of making an impact in society starts with culture and grassroots movements, Sarah’s interdisciplinary depth study will concentrate on the correlation between media representation and political representation in society. Usually found with an iced coffee in hand and messy hair, Sarah enjoys spontaneity and adventure, especially when it comes to art and travelling. She enjoys long runs, cooking, petting dogs, and lame jokes. She currently works at an art advocacy organization on campus and as a mentor/tutor for the UA Department of History.

This is Sarah’s seventh year being involved with model United Nations and her third year being involved with ALMUN. While she has been excited to work as ALMUN USG of Crisis committees, she will not be present at the conference because she will be studying abroad in Tours, France. However, she hopes everyone enjoys the conference as much as she has enjoyed helping plan it, and wishes all delegates a bonne chance!


Mollie Boutwell is a freshman from Montgomery, Alabama and she is majoring in nursing. Mollie has had four years of Model United Nations conference experience as a delegate and also as the chair of a Press Corps committee. She also has media experience with the YMCA Youth in Government activities. Along with ALMUN, Mollie is a member of Greek life on campus and participates in Circle K. In her spare time, Mollie enjoys watching an array of shows on Netflix and visiting family.​

                      Alison Gentry,

Under-Secretary-General of Operations

David Swayne, Director-General

David Swayne is an English major in her sophomore year. David has been involved with Model United Nations for six years and served as chair of SOCHUM at last year's ALMUN conference. In her free time, she enjoys cooking vegan meals, writing songs, and obsessing over whatever Beyoncé is up to at the moment (she touched Beyoncé's hand at one of her concerts!!!). 

Jake Miller is a sophomore studying Political Science and Economics, and is in his second year as a member of the Alabama International Relations Club.  He is also the Director of the Black Belt Development Initiative, which helps schools without Model UN clubs attend ALMUN.  A few international issues that interest him are the refugee crisis in the Middle East and the competition between great powers for economic influence in developing countries.  Outside of the AIRC, Jake is involved in the Alabama Mock Trial Association, the Student Judiciary, and the SaveFirst program.  He also had the opportunity to study abroad in France and Italy this summer, where he ate a lot of gelato, as pictured.​

                                 Mollie Boutwell,

Deputy Under-Secretary-General of Communications

Abigail Kappelman is a sophomore from Austin, Texas. She is double-majoring in International Studies and Microbiology, and triple-minoring in Spanish, Economics, and Social Innovation & Leadership. She hopes to work in the field of public health policy. She is involved in AIRC along with other groups on campus including UA College Democrats and her sorority. After being involved with Model United Nations extensively in high school and chairing for the World Health Organization at ALMUN last year, she is exceptionally excited to serve as this year's Under-Secretary General of General Assemblies.

                           Abigail Kappelman,

Under-Secretary-General of General Assemblies

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