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Clayton Lawing is a freshman majoring in International Studies and Public Relations and minoring in Thai and the Blount Undergraduate Initiative. Growing up in Montgomery, Alabama was both a blessing and a curse but he is grateful for the friendships the city gave him. He remains closely connected to his Thai roots, mainly through the wonderful recipes his Nana sends him to make. His personal goal is to one day sing a duet with Liam Payne, preferably something surrounding Les Miserables or Phantom of the Opera. His progressional goal is to become a federal judge. This is his fifth year in Model UN, having competed in the last 3 years at ALMUN. His favorite committees are often ICJ, SOCHUM, and ALMUN's previous Justice League JCC. Besides Model UN, Clayton is very active in UA College Democrats and the University of Alabama Dance Marathon.

Tae is a third year student at the University of Alabama majoring in International Studies and minoring in French from the Gulf Coast city of Mobile, Alabama. She has focused her concentration of study on the Middle East and Africa with an emphasis on cultural dynamics, partly because it’s fascinating, but also because she will always have a job. As a member of Alpha Psi Omega (a musical theatre honors society), a volunteer with the English Language Institute, and a part-time jazz singing extraordinaire, Tae is working towards a life of adventure. That adventure will probably lead her to the unknown (law school and/or State Department, but then again, maybe not), but it will definitely never be boring.

Holland is currently a freshman at the University of Alabama pursuing a dual degree in International Business and French with a minor in German. She loves to travel and intends to find a career in which she can work and travel abroad. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, baking, and horseback riding. This is her first year working with ALMUN and she is excited to see what this committee will accomplish.

Lara is a freshman majoring in Finance with a specialization in Actuarial Science, while minoring in the Blount Undergraduate Initiative. She is from LaGrange, Illinois, which is a suburb twenty minutes outside of Chicago, and loves spending time in the Windy City. Despite her urban roots, she is ready to take on school in the heart of Dixie! She loves to run, read, and draw in her spare time. In the past, she was obsessed with the TV shows Once Upon a Time and Reign. Currently, she is in love with The Vampire Diaries. Her professional goal is to work in public financing for hospitals and mental health research. She is passionate about mental health, and is currently working on starting her own chapter of Active Minds at UA, an organization which promotes mental well-being on college campuses. She loves international politics, and is excited to put her creative side to work in the Clash of the Gods.

Blair is a junior at UA double majoring in Marine Science and Biology and triple minoring in the Blount Undergraduate Initiative, French, and Geology.  She serves as the vice president of the Alabama International Relations Club and has attended five collegiate model UN conferences with the club. If you are an ALMUN veteran, you may recognize her as the co-chair for the Secret Society of Supervillains in the Justice League JCC at ALMUN 2015 and the crisis director of Atlantis: The Lost Evidence at ALMUN 2016. This is her first time directing a joint crisis committee and she is so excited to put her ideas and her team to work. In her practically nonexistent free time, she enjoys working in Dr. Earley’s animal behavior research lab, decorating for every holiday known to man, and taking care of her pet turtle, Freddie. After graduating, she hopes to go on to graduate school and pursue a career in marine research and policy.





Bert McLelland is a friendly and outgoing freshman at the University of Alabama, studying Political Science and Theatre and hoping to add a German minor. Bert grew up in Tuscaloosa, but was fortunate enough to have two travellers for parents who took him on several trips to Europe and Canada, which gave him a love of international studies. He’d always planned to study international relations, but after a trip to Britain he realized it was politics he loved the most and so he switched his major, but he’s very happy that he’s able to participate in Alabama International Relations Club to continue to explore the subject. If you ever want to talk about British politics (or American politics) Bert is your man, and for everyone else he is a crisis staffer for Clash of the Gods.

Kara is a senior at the University of Alabama studying Chemistry and Spanish.  While Kara hopes to attend medical school and become a doctor, she also would not mind a future of binge-watching Netflix and eating sushi.  She comes from the greatest of all states, Michigan, and firmly believes Lake Michigan is the best body of water on the globe.  Kara's favorite animal is a bear and her biggest fear is being attacked by a squirrel.  Although being the Assistant Crisis Director of the Clash of the Gods Joint Crisis Committee will interfere with her precious sleep, Kara looks forward to making this a wonderful experience for all delegates.

Clash of the Gods


Katie is a sophomore at the University of Alabama.  She is double majoring in International Relations and German.  She's been a member of the University’s International Relations Club for over a year now; through the organization she has attended Model UN conferences in cities including St. Louis, Chicago, and Washington DC. This past summer she studied abroad in Berlin, and plans on continuing her studies there during the 2017-2018 school year.  Travel and language learning are a few of her passions. 



JCC: Clash of the Gods: The real story of Alexander the Great and Egypt

The year is 333 BC.

The Pyramid of the Underworld is shaken. Threats of foreign warriors and strange beings plague their people. The Nile calls warnings to them. Whispers of "Olympus" fall upon the ears of Egypt.

Olympus is hungry. Promises of a new land buzz through the air. A champion has been born on earth. Plots unfurl as opportunity waits to be seized.

A clash of worlds is brewing. And neither will go down without a fight.

As the gods of Olympus and the Underworld prepare for war, tactical plans develop for the advancement of Greece and Egypt to claim (or protect) what is rightfully theirs. However, even gods have secrets and many are notoriously capricious. It is up to the Council and the Pyramid  to outwit each other and guide the mortal world- either to triumphant victory or the crushing defeat.



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