Opening ceremony at Grand Hyatt, Palm D'or ballroom at 6:30. FOR MORE INFO: call menna shoman  0122338360


The Security Council
Since its establishment in 1945, the Security Council was �and still is- the pioneer body of the United Nations, responsible for the maintenance of international peace and security with resolutions binding vis-�-vis all other issued blue prints. However, the current features of world politics casted a shadow over the main essence of the council where overwhelming efforts of endorsing hegemony collided with the aspirations of a more just milieu.
Delegates of the Security Council will be prepared to act as professional diplomats able to handle hypothetical crises, where they are to receive special trainings on presentation skills, negotiation abilities and a full in-depth preview of post-Iraq world politics.
Crisis Council � No Set Agenda
General Assembly 4th Committee:
Special Political and Decolonization Committee (SPDC)
Despite the fact that the age of Colonization and Imperialism had withered away, the SPDC is not restricted to colonization issues as such, but remains an active sub-organ of the standard-setting General Assembly. Since the time we live in poses several questions and challenges, the review of such questions will fall under the scope of SPDC.
Due to the unstoppable process of globalization, the world of today is shrunk together under the abolition of so far valid boundaries of space and time. The end of colonialism had called for the foundation of more and more nation states which were above all anxious to secure their independence and protect themselves from any kind of hegemony. However, national borders have proven to be very leaky and at the same time, a great source of conflict. Now, the globe seems to have returned to an era of "neocolonialism". Global problems cannot be solved on national level and at the same time, state sovereignty is a basic principle of international law. Thus concepts such as Nation-States, Neocolonialism, Humanitarian Intervention and Global Governance characteristic of the post 11-9 world politics will be reviewed, if not challenged.
In the shades of the Balkans crisis that fired Europe in 1995, more fuel was added to the fire by the onset of Kosovo's crisis two years after. And despite the fact that ashes of the Balkans' fire are starting to fly away, Kosovo's fire had been vigorously lit for the past 8 years. As peace keeping is one of the main concerns of the SPDC, the settlement of Kosovo's problem acquires a great deal of our council's attention. This is due to the fact that Kosovo surpasses the traditional form of civil-war crises mixed with an extraordinary case of a Super-Power intervention creating a precedent in the history of International Law and world politics as well as introducing the prominent concept of Humanitarian Intervention that marked the actualization of American hegemony. Thus in this topic, the SPDC will be concerned with projecting future scenarios pertaining to the settlement of Kosovo's crisis.
World Conference Against Racism (WCAR)
Durban, South Africa, August 31st - September 7th 2001
70 countries gathered to discuss and find remedies to put an end to all forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. regardless of the outcome, shortly after the conference, devastating events happened that highlighted other existing racist sentiments that caused more agony all over the world.
This council will put into focus as its first topic the most controversial example of such sentiments, which would be xenophobia, more specifically Islamophobia in the western community alon with anti-west feelings as its counterpart in the arab world.
Representation: Personal Opinions.
The second topic addresses a unique case of minorities in the Middle East, shedding the light on the current Arab-Israelis (1948 Arabs) status in the Israeli society. throughout history, minorites have suffered a lot in several cases, however, the case of Arab-Israelis takes us beyond the traditional majority-versus-minority complex.
Representation: States and NGOs
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
The IMF was created in 1945 to help promote the health of the world economy; today it is a specialized agency of the UN System, acting as the central institution of the international monetary system.
The economic and financial systems of the world have definitely changed since the establishment of the IMF. Economists are increasingly calling for a change in the way the IMF and other international institutions are handling the pressure of the new order. Furthermore, propositions for a new architecture of the international financial system are being discussed everywhere.
Under this topic, many issues are under debate: IMF conditionality, the risks faced in this economic era; moral hazards & adverse selection, the question of accountability�etc.
Through out the last decades, the world economy faced a series of economic crisis such as the LDC debt crisis in the 1980�s, the Mexican crisis 1994, the East Asian crisis in the late 1990�s, the IMF main role is dealing with these crisis to limit the hardship faced by individuals in crisis stricken countries.
This year ALMUN is proudly introducing IMF, as an economic crisis council, for the first time; in an intense atmosphere of anticipation and excitement, minute by minute news updates adds to the thrill of the experience & help the delegates attain additional skills, including the ability to work under stress, crisis management, & other more.